iPhone 5 with something new will bring us different feelings

It is obvious that consumers are not blindly to buy iPhone 5, they think that there is not much risk to purchase iPhone 5. Since 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone smartphone, Apple iPhone users would not be disappointed, so the iPhone 5 users will be minimal chance of disappointment. One of the key reasons for iPhone 5 users plan to buy is a good application support Apple, Apple said the company's App Store already has more than 425,000 models iPhone applications. ipad transfer is the first choice for most ipad users, maybe you also can take your attention to its powerful functions and unique features. Compared to its competitors, Apple's App Store can be better than too much, it has become one of Apple's biggest selling point.

We can easily see Apple is very wise that has chosen to release iPhone 5 in September or October , because then the release from the iPad 2 has been for some time, which can ensure the purchasing power of consumers. At the same time, in September or October is still some time away from Christmas, which give business users for some time to consider to purchase iPhone 5. In the mobile space, timing is everything, Apple released the iPhone 5 have very good timing on the choice.

We all know that Apple's next-generation product has been the focus of media attention, especially the iPhone 5. Many people are concerned about anything on this product. Have had all kinds of rumors about iPhone 5. Recently, a manufacturer exposed the latest iPhone 5 cover picture, which shows a new generation of iPhone will be equipped with 3.7 inch. narrow screen, the phone volume button and the SIM card slot position remains unchanged. In addition, the shell has set aside an oval, a greater area of the Home button, that make people guess Apple will achieve gesture? For Apple users, to get iPad vide to computer or iTunes, you can try iPad Video Transfer, which is specially designed for iPad/iPhone/iPod to computer transfer.

Everyone hope that when the iPhone 5 release, we will see some different things. So far, not sure will have a new design, but at least we hope so. I think more likely, compared to the iPhone 4, it's just the volume is slightly enlarged point, that is putting up. The same as the iPhone 3G and 3GS (at least as early as the iPhone) are two similar looking products. Maybe they will back into matte, or give a little color on stainless steel. But I think half of it may be a new design. Well, it needs something new. Let's hope it really will be something new.

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Par ipadtransfer le mercredi 10 août 2011


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